IV Infusion Therapy

Cancer rehabilitation services in Edison, NJ
Intravenous infusion therapy is a type of treatment that takes fluid directly into a vein, using only the force of gravity. It is often done at hospitals, but this type of treatment can also be performed in the comfort of your home. There is no need to go to clinics and hospitals in order to safely and effectively receive the infusion your doctor prescribes.

What Does Home Intravenous Infusion Therapy Include?

Home IV infusion therapy often requires a home health nurse to help give you the fluid or medication. The fluid is given through a catheter (a tube or a needle). The catheter goes directly into the vein.

Home health nurses from Stanford Angels, LLC are trained to perform this therapy. They assist with the therapy if patients can’t it perform by themselves or if family members are not trained. A home health nurse makes sure there is no swelling in the vein or any pain or infection. The nurse also ensures the tube or needle doesn’t come out, and there is no bleeding.

Why Home IV Therapy

IV therapy can help in cases where an antibiotic can’t be taken orally. Certain medications are also more effective when taken directly into the vein. Through IV therapy, it is easier to treat some diseases and disorders, such as hormone deficiency.

Cancer recovery in Edison, NJ
Apart from this, infusion therapy can help to boost a patient’s nutrition. All the necessary minerals and vitamins can be given directly into the vein.

IV Therapy in Edison, New Jersey

Are you looking for an IV infusion therapy nurse in Edison, New Jersey? Give us a call, and our staff can provide you with more information about this service. All our home health nurses are trained and have experience in assisting with IV infusion therapy.

Book IV Infusion Therapy in Edison, New Jersey with Stanford Angels, LLC Today

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